Several months ago I was asked to be part of a special group show in Berlin called 'Creature Feature', set to open on October 7th.
Being a movie and sci-fi geek from way back I was super excited be asked to be part of a show along side artists such as Jordu Schell, Chet Zar, and a bunch of other huge names within the SFX and movie industry.
As the title of the show suggests this will be a creature show. It will feature the behind the scenes artists that have created some of the most iconic creatures of all time from movies such as Start Wars, Predator, Alien, 300, Hellboy, The Corpse Bride.......the list goes on and on.
So at the end of the day, I am very lucky and honored to be part of this show as I am the only creature designer not involved in the movie industry ;)
Below is a special invite in which Paul Vincett of 'Stitches and Glue' created for the show. His amazing puppets will also be featured at in the show and he will be doing a live puppeteering demonstration in the gallery.
So long story short, this will be an amazing show. I will have 3 new sculptures. Come along and see some incredible creature sculptural work.